David Cooke’s poetry might be rooted
in anecdote, but those roots are simply his point of departure for words that
reach up towards the light. In this respect, his new collection, Sicilian
Elephants (Two Rivers Press, 2021), builds on his previous work.
Many of these poems, all written
from the perspective of a U.K. resident, were probably crafted prior to the consequences
of the fateful referendum. However, their openness to Europe now grants them a
fresh impetus in the context of Brexit. At first glance, excellent poems about
gardening and DIY might seem geographically limited and limiting. In fact, the opposite
is true. Let’s take the example of the closing lines to ‘Grand Designs’, which ends as follows:
…until once more in the back of their
they hear children squealing
who slid down a door on the stairs,
but now live hours away: they have
little time
to decorate and even less for visits.
This reflection on the slip-slip of
generations can then be compared and contrasted to an extract from ‘Leaving Vigo’:
…All he has or needs
is what he has managed to pack
into a cardboard suitcase,
with a pair of sturdy shoes
and the words he’s learned in a tongue
he’ll never handle like his kids.
At his back the town recedes –
the oyster market and the steps
that lead to shops above it.
He might be centre stage –
this man who is scurrying
towards his future...
The protagonists of both poems are
parents. In one, their parenthood is slipping into the past. In the other, it
is ahead of him. In both, a moment on a parent’s journey is being portrayed.
What’s more, difference and
similarity, implicit comparisons and contrasts, are all laid out to be explored.
Where less skilled poets might try to hammer home their points, Cooke uses
juxtaposition and allows his readers to think for themselves. For instance, the
immigrant from Vigo will clearly never belong in his new home, but are the parents
in the first poem also being displaced themselves from their own lives? What is
the meaning of belonging? What unites us as people and what separates us?
In the poems that are set in Europe,
Cooke never looks through the lens of a tourist on a trip. Instead, his method
reminds us of Larkin’s ‘The
Importance of Elsewhere’: the
act of travel enlightens the poet by providing a counterpoint to home. Sicilian
Elephants would already have been a thought-provoking book even prior to
Brexit. Nevertheless, it now becomes especially significant as a reflection on
who we are. David Cooke’s collection brings us closer to Europe: it’s poetry
for our times.
Daniel Hinds’s “New Famous Phrases” is a collection of poems, playful on
the surface, but with deeper intent as a conversation with earlier works
and myths...
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