Ten pounds gets you a signed copy of The Knives of Villalejo with free p&p!
Endorsement for The Knives of Villalejo
"Matthew Stewart is a poet of consolidation, truth, and freshness, with a mastertful sense of economy. His poems matter, and his first collection has been too long in coming. These poems have the rare quality of resonating a long way beyond their modest physical limits."
I live between Extremadura, Spain, and West Sussex, England. Full collection, The Knives of Villalejo, with Eyewear Publishing. Two pamphlets, both now sold out, with HappenStance Press. You can get in touch with me via e-mail: matthstew@gmail.com.
Jimin Seo is a trained pianist, and the musical term ossia is an
alternative phrase or piece played instead of the original. Within the
collection, poems a...
With thanks to editor Tim Fellows, I’m delighted to have a poem in another
fine issue of The Fig Tree, here. The poems by the featured poet, Calder
Valley ...
Dropped Crow Lake by Mary Lawson into the free book box on the Trans
Pennine Trail today. I wrapped it in plastic to protect it from the damp.
Hopefully it...
Subtitled Notes on Dreams, Coincidences, & Weird Culture, Chris McCabe’s
hefty book is a compendium of journal entries, concrete typewriter poems,
A word of explanation first. This is one in a series from a publisher
called Enthralling History, whose website declares “We believe that
learning histo...
This morning it feels as if the world is a darker, more menacing place. It
isn’t, of course. It’s just as dark and menacing as it was yesterday for
all of ...
This week I have the great pleasure of inviting fellow OU Poet, Jacob Lund
to reflect upon a poem from his timely and impressive collection, Acoustic
The shortlist of the 2025 Republic of Consciousness Prize, announced this
week, includes *Invisible Dogs* (CBe). The other books are: *There’s A
Monster Be...
It is a pleasure to introduce our February guest poet Rob Miles. I do not
know Rob personally: we have been Facebook friends for some time. I bought
a copy...
Apologies for not updating my blog during January. I must have some
bearlike qualities, because I hibernated in January, though I have been
working a littl...
It’s suddenly all happening. The Mayday Diaries from Pindrop Press launches
on 1st May (oh yeah!) and the countdown has begun! Negative thoughts: I’m
Please Note: this blog and website are now captured and preserved at the UK
Web Archive held at The British Museum. Many thanks to them. The highlight
of l...
Now it may well be that I saw Tim mentioned on Facebook recently that has
lead me to start like this, but there’s a point on Tim Buckley’s excellent
live a...
The Kinds of Poetry I Want: Essays & Comedies, Charles Bernstein, The
University of Chicago Press, 2024, ISBN: 9780226836096 (Paperback, multiple
formats a...
Bron writes: There were eight of us at the February meeting, including
invited artist Kari Furre: Nina, Judith, Clare, Diana, Bron, Pauline, Jane
and Kari....
I have felt myself in the underworld this winter.
*I feel, therefore I am. *
There is richness here, and discovery. There are people to meet, a mycelial...
It’s already nearly mid-February so I thought I’d write a quick blog. As I
mentioned before I’ve been focusing on recovering from a small health issue
and ...
The only actual verse by C S Lewis that I’ve read is what’s quoted in
Michael Ward’s Planet Narnia, where it didn’t catch my imagination in the
way Ward’s ...
A few years ago I was contacted out of the blue by Michelle Moloney King,
the founder of Beir Bua Press. She had read some of my blog posts on
This will probably be my last post here, and quite likely my last post as
burnedthumb. My web dev daughter and I have just launched my new website,
'McCready is an intensely physical and embodied writer with a forensic gaze
on the world around her'
'a very feminine collection, centring on the exp...
Mini anthology: 'Exhibition Cards for Imaginary Paintings' - see here
These stylish Little Black Books arrived in the post today as my
contributor c...
Little SongFirst year: words left, like Gods returning to the underworld.In
the second, I lived as if I we both were dead.The words returned around
year th...
My poetry pen has to be set aside for a while after a book comes out, or
allowed to rest under whatever I’m reading, listening to, looking at. This
Today is National Poetry Day in the UK, and this year's theme is 'Refuge'.
On a global scale, the world is experiencing the highest levels of
John’s family would like to notify you all of the funeral service which is
being held to celebrate his life.This will be held at 10.00 on Friday 14th
Generally Speaking (about Bookshops) Although there is undoubtedly a few
collections of poetry that are criminally bad, you wouldn’t head to the
crime se...
The concept of poetic ecological collapse has been widely discussed, and so
I add here only a few additional notes of personal reflection. Readers will
It’s been a while since I did once of these, but maybe there’s something
here to tempt you. Christmas is just around the corner… If you’re
interested in an...
I thought I'd posted this a couple of weeks back, and realise now that I
didn't, but better late than never – this is an excellent tribute to the
poet Ma...
If poems are like other people’s photographs in which we recognise
ourselves, David Harsent’s writing catches us at our most vulnerable,
vicious and unn...
Thank you for posting Matthew. Beautifully made . The words, music and images as blend and balance. Excellent.