Rishi Dastidar has posted some very generous words about The Knives of Villalejo on Twitter, mentioning its "delicate, clear, potent poems on loss, exile, food, wine - the stuff that matters." You can find and follow Rishi on Twitter via this link.
Ten pounds gets you a signed copy of The Knives of Villalejo with free p&p!
Endorsement for The Knives of Villalejo
"Matthew Stewart is a poet of consolidation, truth, and freshness, with a mastertful sense of economy. His poems matter, and his first collection has been too long in coming. These poems have the rare quality of resonating a long way beyond their modest physical limits."
I live between Extremadura, Spain, and West Sussex, England. Full collection, The Knives of Villalejo, with Eyewear Publishing. Two pamphlets, both now sold out, with HappenStance Press. You can get in touch with me via e-mail: matthstew@gmail.com.
I started my reading in this new year where I left in the old, with the
American poet Dorianne Laux. I’d first encountered Laux’s poetry back in
13 January – I’ve just found the post below in my drafts folder. I began
writing it sometime late last year (I think) but didn’t hit publish. While
it’s st...
The excellent Jeremy Noel-Tod posted a thing on his Some Flowers soon
Substack which he described thus: A simple Pinks this week: seven poems
from books on...
All the precision, wit, and quiet profundity that readers of Rebecca Watt’s
previous two collections, The Met Office Advises Caution and Red Gloves
have co...
You can buy Paul’s book here: https://amzn.eu/d/bhA7GsL Wombwell Rainbow
Book Interview it’s all come down to this: a retrospective (selected poems
& writ...
Trying to stay warm by wearing as many layers as possible- 6 currently! And
the warmest is the thinnest by the way – a merino wool vest that I wear
over a ...
I can think on no better way of welcoming in the New Year to my website
than by hosting a drop-in by the talented Kelly Davis. This is the second
poem in m...
In addition to my earlier post about AI here are some further thoughts and
pieces of information
- The latest Acumen magazine has an article by Rober...
I’m adding Beau Beausoleil’s new poems, as they arrive in my inbox, to the
page Notes from the Fever Room. Today I received a photo of my poem
‘Survivor’ a...
In “Behind the Ghost Metropolis”, Annette Dabrowska inhabits liminal
spaces, the city’s underbelly, the space between the image or persona
someone shows ot...
I did not expect to be moved to tears by my greenhouse, but there I was,
this sunny afternoon, at my allotment, phoning my Longest-Serving Friend.
Oof! December was a blur of concerts and all that entailed, then family
stuff and various resolutions. Between Christmas and New Year we managed
not one b...
*The beginning seemeth a great pleasure, but the way out is very narrow to
come honourably out thereof.’ – Edmund Dudley on foreign wars*
This fifth vol...
A DEATH December’s almost done. Up before dawn. I dress in the dark to give
you more time. It’s more important you feel you look right. A hurried
coffee as...
FYI, The timeline may be a bit all over the shop. I started this post about
two weeks ago, pausing to update the draft the Friday before Christmas.
Here we...
Charles Reznikoff’s *Testimony* comprises around 450 poems that tend to
begin with a name, a place (farm, factory, saloon, boarding house) and
sometimes ...
Rachel Davies and Hilary Robinson have been friends for over 20 years.
Friends call them the ‘poetry twins’. They are both accomplished poets and
you can f...
This is Ed Tapper’s second collection from Cutty Dyer Press and follows on
in its exploration of the local environment as well as forays into wider
A few months ago, I had a meltdown. Societal and political discourse – not
only where I live, but everywhere – has become so troubled, so vitriolic,
so ang...
This will probably be my last post here, and quite likely my last post as
burnedthumb. My web dev daughter and I have just launched my new website,
'McCready is an intensely physical and embodied writer with a forensic gaze
on the world around her'
'a very feminine collection, centring on the exp...
Mini anthology: 'Exhibition Cards for Imaginary Paintings' - see here
These stylish Little Black Books arrived in the post today as my
contributor c...
Little SongFirst year: words left, like Gods returning to the underworld.In
the second, I lived as if I we both were dead.The words returned around
year th...
My poetry pen has to be set aside for a while after a book comes out, or
allowed to rest under whatever I’m reading, listening to, looking at. This
Today is National Poetry Day in the UK, and this year's theme is 'Refuge'.
On a global scale, the world is experiencing the highest levels of
John’s family would like to notify you all of the funeral service which is
being held to celebrate his life.This will be held at 10.00 on Friday 14th
Generally Speaking (about Bookshops) Although there is undoubtedly a few
collections of poetry that are criminally bad, you wouldn’t head to the
crime se...
The concept of poetic ecological collapse has been widely discussed, and so
I add here only a few additional notes of personal reflection. Readers will
It’s been a while since I did once of these, but maybe there’s something
here to tempt you. Christmas is just around the corner… If you’re
interested in an...
I thought I'd posted this a couple of weeks back, and realise now that I
didn't, but better late than never – this is an excellent tribute to the
poet Ma...
If poems are like other people’s photographs in which we recognise
ourselves, David Harsent’s writing catches us at our most vulnerable,
vicious and unn...
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